Wednesday, June 16, 2010

ZDF fires Fire Commissioner

Shock to Hartmut Schreier (57). The actor, 18 years identified as a "man of fire" in the ZDF-series "SOKO 5113", was thrown out. Because he is too old?
"It is unfortunately true that I am in the new episodes will not be there. But that was not my desire - on the contrary, "said Schreier.
A farewell with sadness. The agreement of the native of Schwerin was not by ZDF and the production company Ufa extended.
Schreier: "This surprising announcement was natural for me at first a shock, for in my life plan I wanted three more years until my 60th Age in the "task force" to continue. "
Failed "man" the ZDF youth craze for victims? He keeps a low profile, but can be intimated his feelings: "Something sad I was that my end - apparently from media-political reasons - quite ado proceeded."
His ex-colleagues adopted Schreier rank. At a lavish farewell ceremony, the team gave him a touching reception, and the tough "Commissioner" did not remain indifferent. "I had to howl snot and water."
He does not fell into oblivion. "Since I got many calls from directors and members of the team, none of them understood why I had to go. Many of the tenor: "man, you miss us very much." "