Tuesday, May 11, 2010

CDU politicians angry over Turkish posters

Cologne - In every corner resplendent they present: advertising posters with Germany flag, in red with crescent and stars adorned. This a huge inscription in Turkish and Tayyip Erdogan, Prime Minister of Turkey. CDU politician Lothar Lemper says: "These banners are poison for the integration."
Lemper is chairman of the Art and Culture, the city of Cologne. "It can not be true that there are marginalized people who criticize do not speak Turkish," the politician, the NRW-wide billboards. "It gives the impression that the Turks would prefer to keep to themselves."
Lemper says that this action is detrimental to the integration efforts of the city. "I'm for the Ditib and the Great Mosque in Ehrenfeld," he says, "but integration can not be the one-way street."
While there are also posters in German, but only very sporadically. Applied, the presence of Erdogan in Cologne. On Sunday, Turkish Prime Minister wants to speak in front of 20,000 fellow countrymen.