Sunday, April 11, 2010

"The rent is too expensive to us!"

Cologne - More than 100 people had arrived on Saturday for the task force Veedel of EXPRESS and Radio Cologne on the Pariser Platz in Chorweiler. Here was their Mayor Fritz Schramma (CDU) and answer questions.
Problems seeing the Chorweiler the state of the S-and U-Bahn stops and Hochhäuser.Aber: Above all, the rents for many residents do create. Because they always continue to rise upwards. "When I hierherzog a few years ago, I paid 385 Euro yet. Now there are already 535 Euro, "said Sabrina Budde. "I can no longer afford it soon. The scratching of my existence. "
OB Fritz Schramma the reasons: "Most of the homes here were built with public funds. The recent fall, after 30 years, from the price fixing. And rents are increasing. "Since this did not constitute urban dwellings, the city is, unfortunately, is powerless.
Many homeowners have invested many years no longer in modernization. For 1000 dwellings in the Oslo road that are under administration bid to the Urban GAG at a judicial sale.
The theme of integration was mentioned only in passing. Some complained as Martin Steeger about noise disturbance from a Turkish café. The agreement "Phoenix" is committed to education and language acquisition among immigrants from Eastern Europe - for which the OB thanked.
KVB and Bahn AG wants Schramma ask more for cleanliness and order in their stations do. Filth and insecurity many people had complained. Overall, however, came out: The Chorweiler people like to live there, many prejudices are not correct.